
AEC: A Non-Fungible Future

September 13, 2023

The architecture industry is constantly evolving, with the advent of new technologies requiring a corresponding evolution in the way in which architectural designs are bought, sold, and traded. The current method of trading architectural designs is outdated and does not allow designers to fully control and benefit from their intellectual property. In this article, we will examine the advantages of trading architectural designs as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and their potential impact on the industry.

Outdated Model:

The traditional method of trading architectural designs involves a contractual agreement between the designer and the buyer. However, this model does not provide for ongoing royalty payments for the designer from secondary sales, nor does it allow for full control over the designer’s intellectual property. Furthermore, this model is not equipped to securely and transparently track ownership and transactions in the digital age.

Advantages of NFTs:

NFTs offer several advantages over the traditional model. Firstly, designers are able to receive ongoing royalty payments from secondary sales of their designs. This provides a stable source of income and can help to sustain the designer’s future work.

Secondly, NFTs allow designers to have full control over their intellectual property. This includes control over the distribution and use of their designs, which is not possible with the traditional model. Designers can protect their creations and ensure they are used only with their permission.

Thirdly, NFTs provide a secure and transparent platform for tracking ownership and transactions. This reduces the risk of fraud and accurately records the ownership and transaction history of each design.

Finally, NFTs have the potential to increase the value of architectural designs. As the popularity of NFTs continues to grow, it is likely that the value of designs sold as NFTs will also increase. This can provide a significant financial benefit to designers and support the architecture industry as a whole.

Sources and Statistics:

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) predicts significant growth in the global NFT market in the coming years with a projection of the sector reaching $10 billion by 2024. This growth is driven in part by the increasing popularity of NFTs in the art world and their potential to revolutionize the way in which intellectual property is bought, sold, and traded.

A report by Deloitte suggests that the architecture industry is well positioned to benefit from the rise of NFTs. The report indicates that NFTs can provide architects with a new source of income and support the industry by increasing the value of architectural designs.


Trading architectural designs as NFTs offers numerous benefits over the outdated traditional model. NFTs provide designers with the ability to receive ongoing royalty payments, control over their intellectual property, secure and transparent ownership tracking, and the potential to increase the value of their designs. As the global NFT market continues to grow, architects, AI designers, and engineers are encouraged to consider trading their designs as NFTs in order to support the architecture industry and benefit from the advantages NFTs provide.

Based on the advantages outlined in this report, architects, AI designers, and engineers have the opportunity to embrace NFT technology and begin trading their designs as NFTs. This will help to support the architecture industry and provide designers with a new source of income and control over their intellectual property.

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